Day 2 - Walls of Jerusalem

A great day was had as we explored to the base of Mt Jerusalem and around the hut. We were blessed by weather that was dry. It was occassionally very cloudy, but every now and then some wonderful blue sky managed to brighten up the day and create some great glare off the snow. (not to mention some pretty special views) Colin managed a three quarter assent of Mt Jerusalem but was hampered by snow and cloud. As Colin wisely says, "There is no use climbing a mountain if you can't see the view when you get there." Funny, I thought he climbed mountains because they were there or it was a challenge, or some other macho reason!

Us, looking happy, (we were)

Simmo and Sue looking, somewhere

Simmo looking somewhere, probably thinking of other cold things , far away - oh to be a small business owner!

Me , walking on water.

In the afternoon we did a reconnoitre to find the track we needed to take the next day down to Lake Ball. We tried out our snow shoes again and were very impressed by the Yowie Snowshoes in the mixture of snow, ice, wet boggy patches and low bushes. By having excellent grip and a greater surface area than boots we were able to go anywhere without falling over and with fairly dry feet.

1 comment:

mez said...

thank you for your lovely blog, heart felt and well written. - and full of good info for us as we are about to tackle the Walls - a dream i've had since growing up in tassie and never somehow gotten around to it. kind regards, mary