Do you need good, practical advice from experienced bushwalker's to plan your Overland Track hike?
Are you having trouble organising the walk from Cradle Mountain to Lake St Clair on the Overland Track?
Is coordinating the Overland Track booking, transport to Cradle Mountain, your flights and getting home again just too confusing and complicated?
Do you need to know:
- What hiking gear you will need?
- What food to take?
- How to organise your meals?
- How to get the start of the walk and home again?
- What are the best transport options?
- What first aid kit you need?
- Can you walk the Overland Track solo?
- How hard is the Overland Track?
- What is the best way to get to Cradle Mountain?
Ok, so FINALLY, Frank and Sue at Our Hiking Blog have written an eBook that answers all these questions and , of course , more. Much more, in fact (to be really cliched!)
For several years we have been answering our readers questions regarding all of the different topics we listed above. Just the little annoying things that don't seem to be in any of the notes or books anywhere or are in so many different places they are very hard to find.
We have been planning a downloadable eBook for ages but have never really has the time until now. It has enabled us to consolidate all the information we have learned into a BOOK (well, 50 plus pages with HEAPS of VALUABLE information - if you want to call that a book....... ) and are NEARLY ready to publish the Overland Track eBook.
The Overland Track eBook includes updated versions of posts you can read on Our Hiking Blog, but in addition, we have added several thousand more words, graphics, tables, links and ideas to the downloadable version. It means you can print out all the great tips and ideas that have been posted here, as well as a whole lot more new "helpful hints" we know will REALLY help, in one, searchable and easy to read Adobe PDF document.
The Overland Track eBook is nearing completion and will be ready for publication in the next couple of weeks (we hope, as we are off to Tasmania hiking some of the Overland Track in a few days!)
UPDATE: The Overland Track book has been released and is ready for purchase - Read more information and download the free sample with all the chapters, sample pages and more using this link to the Overland Track e-Book.
Send us an email and we will notify you when the downloadable book is finished and available. It is currently with several experienced bushwalker's for proof reading and checking of detail.
The eBook contains several chapters such as: In most sections of the eBook there are special tips that are highlighted, or bolded. These tips are drawn from our experience of many trips along the Overland Track and have made our life much easier and the trip a great success. Here are a small sample: Tip: If you are using public transport and want to complete the Overland Track in the cheapest and easiest manner – fly into Launceston and home from Hobart. TIP: We are prepared to pay the additional cost for this type of service. The Public transport option can be very time consuming TIP: the trick we find here is to ensure you have measured portions for each day at probably 20% more than we would eat at home. Put them in a pile and count em off, 6 breakfasts, 6 bags. TIP: Remember unless you plan to eat it, what you start with in your pack on the Overland Track, will still be on your back at the end. TIP: Even a cheap headlight is better than a torch. It leaves your hands free to cook or read or hike in the dark if you are really slow. You need something, there is no power or lighting on the Overland Track - yep - NONE (not even to charge your camera battery) TIP: Take a waterproof jacket - No, NOT a poncho, no, not a spray jacket, a WATERPROOF coat - it rains (and snows, and sleets) a LOT in Tassie The Overland Track eBook is designed to use in conjunction with John Chapman's book Overland Track - which we believe is THE recommended guide for this fantastic world heritage hiking experience. (don't leave home without it) Yes, Chapman's book is THE one you should study from cover to cover BUT the Overland Track eBook just adds a bit of value, like what is the best way to get to Cradle Mountain; a REALLY detailed gear list, including honest comments on why or why not you should take each piece of gear; and what to do if you meet a naked German whilst swimming in Lake Windemere! (depending on if you are male or female, and the swimmer is male or female, the answer is your.....interpretation (or mood)........) The Overland Track eBook will sell, on Our Hiking Blog, for A$7.00. Send us an an email to register your interest . We are offering a 100% money back guarantee on the Overland Track eBook. Yes, if you don't find your A$7.00 was well spent, you be refunded the whole amount. No hassles, just the cash back. We are that confident it will help your planning and enhance your trip heaps! If you buy the Overland Track eBook and you think it is a heap of rubbish, immediately send us a grumpy or nice email and we refund the full amount into your account within 24 hours (unless we are away bushwalking, then we we do it on our return) Again, no hassles or question, just the cash back. What is an eBook? Wikipedia have a definition of course: An e-book (for electronic book: also eBook) is the digital media equivalent of a conventional printed book. In the case of the Overland Track eBook - the file is an Adobe PDF document with the advantages of being able to read it on your computer or other electronic device or printing it out to read at your leisure.
We will email you when the book is released, just to let you know it is available. That will be it, one email, no spamming, mailing lists etc. 10% from each copy of the Overland Track eBook sold will be donated to the Tasmanian Wilderness Society.
1 comment:
I love hiking and always prefer to get hiking gears from REI.
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