Next hike - Thorsborne Trail - Hinchinbrook Island FNQ

I am an excitable chap sometimes, and the thought of our next hike always gets me focused away from what I SHOULD be doing, onto what I WANT to be doing......So today while I SHOULD have been working, I snuck a peek on the Web to try and source some information about our next walk the Thorsborne Trail - Hinchinbrook Island. Check out the Official Site for "Parks Speak" and accurate information .

What got me going was the little widget on our site that counts down to any date you desire! I set it ages ago to this trip and it now says there are 40 days to the Thorsborne Trail. This makes it psychologically within easy reach. It also flags the time to start some planning and thinking about gear and food and all the other fun stuff required to make this walk a success.

In my browsing today I came across a great site Mark Moxon's Travel Writing . It is written by a mad pommy who has travelled extensively and writes about his travels in a funny and enjoyable manner. I really enjoyed skimming it.
He says there are three main hazards on Hinchinbrook Island, crocodiles, native rats and bugs (especially sandflies).

In one of his footnotes he gives a recipe for a bug repellant and I reckon I want to try it......has anyone else? His recipe is:

A handy hint, picked up in Shark Bay, that's worth repeating. Take 70 per cent baby oil and 30 per cent Dettol, mix, and smear on your body for the ultimate insect repellent. The sandflies stick to the baby oil and die, and the mozzies simply hate the smell of disinfectant. It worked a treat for me on Hinchinbrook – beats paying a fortune for normal sprays, and it works better, too.

I reckon we might try this one out. We hate the smell of the "Bushmans" repellant and the DEET stink is foul.


Anonymous said...

Hey Frank. Mozzies are bad here as well out of town. I have noted the recipe. And the pics of the Tassy hike are amazing but then again, so are ALL the pics of ALL yer treks. Makes me think for the briefest of moments that I could do that. The camp host I got covered. Short jaunts. Bit of a stroll. Car to the site. Dinner awaits. A ddrink here. A drink there. Yup. Camp host(ESS) I got covered. I work cheap.

Frank and Sue said...

Hey Crystal, Thanks for the great comments, you seem to be my lone reader!!! (or commenter at least) Thanks for making the effort, it makes this blogging stuff worthwhile to get some feedback (I see you have registered with blogger, are you going to start your own blog???) Trying to get Deb away on a short stroll in November...we'll see!!

Anonymous said...

To those that know me, I'm the one they call the blog stalker. I'm registered with blogger? Interesting, I don't recall registering with this. And no, my life is far to off the wall to allow the world to read about it.
Hope to see you guys soon. Crystal